Research Associate / Postdoc (m/f/x)

Dresden, Sachsen (DE)
17 Nov 2023
End of advertisement period
19 Dec 2023
Contract Type
Fixed Term
Full Time

In the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, researchers and artists explore the interactions between the fields of technology, art, science, and entrepreneurship. The Lab was initiated by The Schaufler Foundation together with TUD Dresden University of Technology. It focuses on technology as a resource, as a medium for dissemination, and as an element of discourse. The guiding theme of the Lab in its second funding phase is "Data«Worlds. Socio-technical and Cultural Syntheses of New Realities". Under this heading, the Lab investigates the connections between technological development and societal and cultural transformation, in particular from the perspectives of the humanities, cultural studies, social sciences and education, and creates artistic projects from these and communicates them to the public. The Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden comprises seven doctoral positions, one postdoctoral position and an annually changing Artist in Residence program. For TUD, diversity is an essential feature and a quality criterion of an excellent university. Accordingly, we welcome all applicants who would like to commit themselves, their achievements and productivity to the success of the whole institution.

At the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden offers a position as

Research Associate / Postdoc (m/f/x)

(subject to personal qualification employees are remunerated according to salary group E 13 TV-L)

starting April 1, 2024. The position is limited to 36 months and comprises 75% of the fulltime weekly hours. The period of employment is governed by the Fixed Term Research Contracts Act (Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz-WissZeitVG).The position offers the chance to obtain further academic qualification (usually habilitation thesis).

Tasks: We expect the postdoc to prepare a concept for an independent, third-party-funded research project in line with the topics of the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, which also consider and incorporate the research strategy of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Within the funded period, we expect you to submit a third-party funding application to renowned funding bodies (preferably ERC, DFG, BMBF) based on this concept. The position provides postdocs at an advanced academic level with the opportunity to develop their own research profile along the guiding theme of "Data«Worlds." You will contribute to shaping the content of the training program of the Schaufler Kolleg and collaborate in researching the transdisciplinary cooperation of the Kolleg and the Residency. Moreover, you are expected to contribute to strengthening the Emerging Field "Societal Change" within TU Dresden's Excellence Strategy. Cooperation with other measures of strategic importance for the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, such as the research network "Disruption and Societal Change" (TUDiSC), is highly welcome.

Requirements: university and PhD degree in a social science, cultural studies, arts or humanities subject with a relevant focus on science and technology research as defined in the call for applications.

TUD strives to employ more women in academia and research. We therefore expressly encourage women to apply. The University is a certified family-friendly university and offers a Dual Career Service. We welcome applications from candidates with disabilities. If multiple candidates prove to be equally qualified, those with disabilities or with equivalent status pursuant to the German Social Code IX (SGB IX) will receive priority for employment.

Application: The selection procedure is based on both the outstanding academic quality and originality of the research project and the qualification of the applicant at an international level. The candidate’s qualifications with regard to their demonstrated ability to implement the project in the context of the respective career level as well as their academic potential will be a decisive selection criterion. The research project must fit into the thematic field "Data«Worlds" (see overarching concept at and the planned career path.

In addition to the usual application documents (cover letter, CV, certificates, list of publications), please prepare a description of your planned research project (max. ten pages). The description should highlight the connection to the subject area "Data«Worlds," include a time and work plan and make clear which funding format the project is intended for and why. The curriculum vitae should include any circumstances that may have adversely affected the candidate’s academic work (e.g. childcare, care of a relative, a long, serious illness, or disability).

Please submit your detailed application with the usual documents by December 19, 2023 (stamped arrival date of the university central mail service or the time stamp on the email server of TUD applies), via the TU Dresden SecureMail Portal by sending it as a single PDF file to or to: TU Dresden, Bereich Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, Herrn Prof. Lutz Hagen, Helmholtzstr. 10, 01069 Dresden, Germany. Please submit copies only, as your application will not be returned to you. Expenses incurred in attending interviews cannot be reimbursed.

Reference to data protection: Your data protection rights, the purpose for which your data will be processed, as well as further information about data protection is available to you on the website:

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