Interdisciplinary Science Rankings

Participate in THE's Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2024. THE and Schmidt's partnership will seek to reward institutions that incentivise cross-disciplinary work aimed at solving the world’s biggest challenges.

Times Higher Education has partnered with Schmidt Science Fellows with the aim of developing a new ranking measuring universities’ contribution to interdisciplinary science.

Responding to the view that the world’s pressing problems can be solved only with insights from a range of scholarly fields, THE and Schmidt Science Fellows said a ranking would seek to improve scientific excellence and collaboration among universities, aiming to provide institutions with benchmarking data and rewarding campuses that incentivise cross-disciplinary work.

Duncan Ross, THE’s chief data officer, said the collaboration “will help progress scientific collaboration and research in the higher education sector, and beyond, in so many ways”.“The new and groundbreaking Interdisciplinary Science Ranking will enable universities to benchmark their interdisciplinary scientific work, which we hope will spur far greater collaboration in universities and between universities both locally and globally,” Mr Ross said.

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