The newsroom blog

We must challenge carping about the bottom-line worth of university study by reiterating that other paths’ pay-offs in no way denigrate a degree’s value

24 June

It may feel as if the media is out to get universities. But a positive, pragmatic relationship is possible – and vital to public trust

27 May

Integrating local, national and global interests could be key to aligning the many competing social and environmental agendas in this era of upheaval

13 May

The HE policy debate may shift, but in England the idea that we might be over-educating is always lurking – it’s a hydra that needs decapitating again

18 March

Academics might have scrambled to adjust to online teaching but their expertise has taken flight and merits a global platform to share it

4 February

The pandemic has hit university finances, and further challenges lie ahead. But the case for supporting higher education and research is overwhelming

10 December

Despite the world’s apparent boredom with evidence and truth, it’s clear that universities’ expertise and principles are more vital than ever

29 October

As Covid-19 stalks student halls, universities are accused of allowing intolerance to infect ideals of academic freedom. But is the criticism fair?

15 October

Inequality in higher education, magnified during the pandemic, is not new – what has changed, perhaps, is a rising urgency to do something about it

17 September

The global nature of higher education is its greatest strength, which is now under threat from the effects of Covid, nationalism and industry competition

3 September

The government may be putting a new emphasis on universities and the role of research, but the attention may also bring new demands for delivery

5 March

International mobility defines many academics’ careers – but how should we weigh the costs and benefits to individuals, and their adopted homes?

27 February

As China’s influence grows, UK scholars question how best to collaborate. A post-Brexit transition may offer change to more than our EU relationship

6 February

Mid-career learners, and some of the world’s biggest employers, are looking beyond the ‘graduate club’ for laser-targeted courses and skills

23 January

A decade dominated first by austerity and then by Brexit has brought UK higher education to a tipping point as the election looms

5 December

In a marketised system, student numbers are rising. Small universities offer a collegial approach and, for some, better, not bigger, is the key to excellence

21 November

Some are wary property development will detract from core missions. But it can provide helpful home improvements and boost community partnerships

24 October

As student numbers pass the 50 per cent mark, it is more important than ever to promote the value of HE, and counter perceptions that more means worse

10 October

Obama’s election supposedly heralded a ‘post-racial’ era, yet inequalities persist for the black community. Today, HBCUs have lessons for us all

3 October

Top universities demand the best in the world as leaders. But when does a fresh international outlook outweigh domestic knowledge and experience?

5 September