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Reputation & Brand

The Times Higher Education Reputation and Brand consultancy services are built on our unparalleled  experience supporting universities around the world to analyse, audit and track their global reputation and  impact of their brand


THE has the largest, longitudinal, global data set tracking academic awareness of research and teaching reputation, that forms the basis of our knowledge. Now, leveraging the experience of the World 100 Reputation Network, and the expertise of the strategic marketing communications specialists that provide expert guidance on reputation management, we have developed our suite of Reputation and Brand services to meet the needs of universities around the world wanting to grow their reputation and brand impact

Consultancy     Description     Data/methods used
Academic Reputation Survey analysis     Analysis of THE’s historic time series of data provides in depth understanding of your institutions reputation, gauged by domestic or international recognition, as measured by our Academic Reputation Survey.     Analysis of THE Academic Reputation survey data
Reputation Tracker     Tracking the reputation of your institution, amongst a UK or international peer group, with up to 15 stakeholder audiences. Including; UG, PG, Parents, Teachers, General public, business, opinion formers, agents, alumni, staff, current students.     Survey data gathered from up to 15 vital stakeholder audiences.
Reputation Audit     Understanding your institutions reputation amongst key domestic and international influencers. Understanding drivers of motivation with opinion formers, and understand what these important stakeholder expect from your institution.     An in-depth method, including qualitative interviews, quantitative surveys, and our ‘Triple test’
Digital Brand Diagnostic     Using several digital monitoring and intelligence tools, we are able to generate 70 digital metrics that provide dynamic real time insight into the power behind a university brand. Each metric provides insight into content profiled and strategies employed as part of universities’ communications strategies     Analysis of 70 digital intelligence metrics, combined with a qualitative assessment of digital content
Brand Snapshot     Reviewing the online brand assets of your institution against a group of identified competitors. Assessment is based on a scoring system using a framework of 20+ metrics within 9 brand areas, including research brand, location brand and international brand.     Qualitative assessment via a brand assessment framework

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