Submit a resource to THE Campus

September 16, 2020

THE Campus is a knowledge-sharing community and, as such, the resources we publish aim to educate readers about online teaching and learning in higher education.

We’re looking for clear, concise guides, unique opinions, explainers of evidenced-based research, case studies and leadership insight. 

Formatting is important because we know most users will be time-poor, so we’re asking for submissions that are short videos, texts with a short video intro, or longer form text pieces that are roughly 800-1,000 words. 

We accept pitches as well as completed pieces. If you have an idea please send it to If your resource is accepted for publication, we will work with you to make any tweaks to the video or edit the text and you will have final approval of the copy.

We’ll publish a transcript of all the videos and will ask you to provide any supporting information to publish alongside your resource in the form of links or PDFs. But please note that we are a journalistic publisher, not an academic journal – and we do not publish footnotes.

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Reader's comments (2)

Research that I have been pursing for the last 45 years may be of interest. In 14 books and 160 papers I have developed the argument that we need urgently to bring about a revolution in academia so that the basic aim becomes to seek and promote wisdom, and not just acquire knowledge, wisdom being the capacity and active endeavour to realize what is of value in life, for oneelf and others, wisdom in this sense including knowledge, but much more. This revolution would mean that universities put helping to solve problems of living, including global problems, above all the climate crisis, at the heart of the enterprise, solving problems of knowledge being important but secondary. For a recent article summarizing the argument see "How Wisdom Can Help Solve Global Problems", ; for a book published in 2020, see "Our Fundamental Problem", McGill-Queen's University Press. Nicholas Maxwell, Science and Technology Studies, University College London
Personally, when I wanted an education, I just wanted a career, knowledge, and understanding. Later, I just wanted knowledge. You don't need an expensive education to acquire wisdom - as many have amply demonstrated!
